
Welhome - Real Estate Experts

Welhome - Real Estate Experts

Real estate agency in Sibiu - selling houses and apartments directly from the developer. Welhome to Sibiu!

All offers updated daily

We help you with the documents

We work directly with developers

Real Estate Experts

Real estate agency in Sibiu - selling houses and apartments directly from the developer. Welhome to Sibiu!

All offers updated daily

We help you with the documents

We work directly with developers


See apartments for sale in Sibiu

See apartments for sale in Sibiu

See houses for sale in Sibiu

See houses for sale in Sibiu


Save your time!

Tell us your preferences and we will give you the offers.

What type of housing are you looking for?


Save your time!

Tell us your preferences and we will give you the offers.

What type of housing are you looking for?


timpul tău!

Tell us your preferences and we will give you the offers.

What type of housing are you looking for?

Why work with us?

Welhome Imobiliare is a top real estate agency in Sibiu. A brokerage, investment and real estate consulting company.

Direct Properties
From Developers

We have in our portfolio over 650 houses and apartments for sale directly from important developers in Sibiu and the surrounding areas.

hidden fees

All prices displayed on
Welhome portfolios are final,
a fundamental principle
in our activity being transparency.

Consult with
our experts

Our team of real estate brokers is always ready to help you.
Visit the Welhome office,
we are always happy
to have guests.

We'll find an offer
for any need

We'll guide you with joy among the hundreds of properties and we will help you find the one that suits you, in terms of price, location, and payment.

Why work with us?

Welhome Imobiliare is a top real estate agency in Sibiu. A brokerage, investment and real estate consulting company.

Direct Properties
From Developers

We have in our portfolio over 650 houses and apartments for sale directly from important developers in Sibiu and the surrounding areas.

hidden fees

All prices displayed on
Welhome portfolios are final,
a fundamental principle
in our activity being transparency.

Consult with
our experts

Our team of real estate brokers is always ready to help you.
Visit the Welhome office,
we are always happy
to have guests.

We'll find an offer
for any need

We'll guide you with joy among the hundreds of properties and we will help you find the one that suits you, in terms of price, location, and payment.

Why work with us?

Welhome Imobiliare is a top real estate agency in Sibiu. A brokerage, investment and real estate consulting company.

Direct Properties
From Developers

We have in our portfolio over 650 houses and apartments for sale directly from important developers in Sibiu and the surrounding areas.

hidden fees

All prices displayed on
Welhome portfolios are final,
a fundamental principle
in our activity being transparency.

Consult with
our experts

Our team of real estate brokers is always ready to help you.
Visit the Welhome office,
we are always happy
to have guests.

We'll find an offer
for any need

We'll guide you with joy among the hundreds of properties and we will help you find the one that suits you, in terms of price, location, and payment.

Download the catalog with residential complexes in Sibiu

*Over 200 apartments in the portfolio



Download the catalog with residential complexes from Sibiu.

*Over 200 apartments in the portfolio



Download the catalog with residential complexes in Sibiu

*Over 200 apartments in the portfolio



Download the catalog with houses from Sibiu

*Over 200 houses in the portfolio



Download the catalog of houses in Sibiu.

*Over 200 houses in the portfolio



Download the catalog with houses from Sibiu

*Over 200 houses in the portfolio



Do you want to become a Welhome agent?

Read the details of this job and complete our form if you feel you are suitable to join our team.


Do you want to become a Welhome agent?

Read the details of this job and complete our form if you feel you are suitable to join our team.


Do you want to become a Welhome agent?

Read the details of this job and complete our form if you feel you are suitable to join our team.


Do you need a mortgage loan?

See the 6 steps to obtain a bank loan


Do you need a mortgage loan?

See the 6 steps to obtain a bank loan


Do you need
a mortgage loan?

See the 6 steps to obtain

a bank credit

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Do you need a mortgage loan?

Ioan Daniel Ienciu

acum 4 luni

Agentia imobiliara Wellhome raprezentata de tanarul Caludiu Drasovean a reprezentat pentru mine profesionalism, disponibilitate si ajutor. Am avut plăcerea de a lucra cu ei și am fost extrem de mulțumit.

Maria Minea

acum 4 luni

Mulțumesc echipei Welhome Imobiliare, reprezentată de către Claudiu Drasovean și Mihai Grajdan.

Recomand cu toată încrederea TopHouse - Apolzan Petru, care m-a impresionat prin atenția acordata detaliilor și a calității lucrului bine făcut. Felicitări TopHouse!

Ion-Marian Stan

acum 4 luni

Mulțumim lui Bogdan Stancu care ne-a ajutat să găsim casa, a fost lângă noi tot timpul, ne-a ajutat chiar și din timpul lui liber. Mulțumim încă odată!

Neata Gabriel

acum 4 luni

O foarte buna colaborare, profesionalism motive care ne au ajutat sa gasim exact ce ne am dorit! Cu drag de la Pitesti!


acum 5 luni

Mulțumiri domnului Mihai Grajdan, care ne-a ajutat sa ne găsim casa perfecta intr-un moment în care nu mai credeam ca exista :) și care ne-a adus un nr mare de clienți la vizionari, când am vândut casa.

Marius M

acum 5 luni

Recomand cu incredere agentia Welhome Imobiliare, in special pe Mihai Grajdan care a dat dovada de profesionalism, devotament, perseverenta si implicare.

George-Sergiu Bălăucă

acum 5 luni

Stancu Bogdan, agentul nostru de la Welhome, ne-a ajutat sa gasim cel mai potrivit imobil in limita bugetului. Am avut o comunicare deschisă și prietenoasă de-a lungul procesului, iar timpul de răspuns a fost ca și cum doar ne-ar fi servit.


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